Monday, August 28, 2017

Hospital Bag Essentials

Having everything packed and ready to go when your 8 to 9 months pregnant, since you could go into labor at anytime is important. But being a First Time Mom you may not always know what you may or may not need to pack.

So here is the list that I made and used when coming to packing my hospital bag! 

For Mom

Oversized T-shirts 
Sweat Pants 
Nursing Bra
Nipple Cream
Boppy Pillow 

For Dad

Extra Clothes
Tooth Brush

Tooth Paste 
Phone Charger

For Baby

2-3 Onsies
Baby Blanket
Diapers (Hospital May Supply)


Lip Balm
Tooth Brush 
Tooth Paste
Baby Soap
Hair Ties

Important Items

Birth Plan 
Doctor Papers
Maternity Notes
Insurance Papers
Identification Cards
Phone Charger
Laptop / Tablet
Snacks / Drinks 

Hope this Helps you Beautiful Expecting Mommies!

-Lil Miss Mommy & Me

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Newborn Baby Essentials!

My Instagram and Snapchat have been blowing up lately with lots of questions from First Time Moms. The one that caught my eye was "What do I need to buy before baby arrives?" And as being not just a First time mom but a teen mom I was also very worried about having everything I needed before Dixie was born so here it is....


Crib Bedding Set
Crib Mattress
Cotton Blankets
Waterproof Sheets 
Waterproof Pads


Baby Tub 
Soft Hooded Towels 
Soft Hairbrush 
Infant Nail Clippers
Baby Soap 


Car Seat 
Baby Carrier 
Window Sun Shade


Changing Pad
Diaper Rash Cream


Nursing Bra
Burp Cloths
Formula (If Formula Feeding)
Breast Pump
Bottle Cleaning Brush
Breast Pads


Sleepers & Gowns 
Scratch Mittens 
Assorted Outfits

House Hold Items 

Baby Proof Locks 
Baby Gates
Receiving Blankets 
Nose Sucker
Baby Thermometer
Eye Dropper 
Night Light 
Baby Monitor 

I hope this helps you beautiful Expecting Mommies!

-Lil Miss Mommy and Me

Monday, August 21, 2017

Dixies Monthly Update l Month 10

Hello Lil Miss Mommy & Me Blog Followers!

Well its official Dixie is now 10 months old WOW she has grown so much over the past.

Dixie of course hasn't had another check up not until she is 12 months old. But she is definitely gotten taller for sure!
Shes in size 3 Diapers 
9 month to 12 month Clothes
Size 2 in shoes

Dixie now has light dirty brown hair like her daddy when he was younger, she has greyish blue eyes that are just stunning! And now has 5 teeth her 2 bottom, 2 top, and her left tooth next to her top tooth! Plus to make it even better shes starting to develop dimples! 
(If she gets any prettier we are in trouble!)

  Dixie is now learning to mimic every word we say. (So we have to be extremely careful haha) all the words she knows now include...


Hi / Hey






diap diap


i love you 

she can count to 5

Well its official Dixie is walking!
Weaned off of her Binky
Eating pretty much everything 

Thanks for Reading
- Lil Miss Mommy & Me

Friday, August 18, 2017

Safe Natural Baby Teething Remedies!

"A lot lately on Social Media I have been asked about what I used to relieve Dixie's Teething Pain."

When it comes to Dixie I would so much rather use something all natural then pumping her full of medication. 

So here are the few natural remedies I use...

Cold Spoon...

I place a spoon in the fridge for about 30 minutes to an hour. (Not the freezer, or it can stick!) a cold spoon can offer much-needed relief. Just apply the rounded part of the spoon to baby’s gums. This is Best for before any teeth actually break through due to the risk of chipping a tooth.

Chilled Foods... 

If your baby has already started solids, try offering the little one with a cold food like applesauce, yogurt, cold fruit or anything that's cold 
to help soothe gum pain.

Teething Jewelry for Moms
Lots of Moms of teething babies like Dixie know that little ones will grab anything within reach and start chomping. Fortunately, specially designed teething jewelry like Teething Bling from Smart Mom Jewelry is made to be gummed by little mouths it’s (non-toxic and dishwasher safe)and made from the same material as many teething toys. But these look way prettier hanging around your necks or wrists. 

Sippy Cup
Offering a sippy cup (If baby is old enough which I believe is around 6 months), try offering a slow flow sippy cup of cool water or juice to suck on for comfort.

All natural vanilla extract
A few drops of vanilla rubbed on the tooth and gums can be used for toothaches. It can also have a calming effect. Rubbing a drop of vanilla extract over the area on the gum where the tooth is trying to get through may help ease the pain and have a soothing effect on your baby’s anxiety. Vanilla is also known to help with upset tummies, so if your little one is distressed from swallowing too much drool, vanilla may help as well.


Sometimes a activity is all it takes to help distract your adorable little ones from teething pain, at least temporarily. 
 (Dixie she loves going on walks or taking a relaxing bath).

Thank you for reading! 

- Lil Miss Mommy & Me

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dixies Monthly Update l Month 9

Welcome Back Lil Miss Mommy & Me Blog Followers
This month sure has been long and extremely crazy!
Dixies Growth

Little Miss Dixie now at 9 months old weighs 15 pounds 2 ounces and is 27 inches long!
Sudden screaming and yelling for attention. All her words including her new words this month are …
•Hi / Hey


Dixie now has dirty blonde hair, and her eyes have gotten so much bigger and brighter! When looking into her eyes you can see 4 different shades of blue. She now also has almost 3 teeth.


Dixies is now standing up on her own without holding anything for 30 seconds at a time.
Walking around the house with her 3 in 1 walker toy!
And we also learned to do patty cake.


Lots of woman go through Postpartum Depression, some just don't like to talk or admit that they have it.
Thanks to a couple of mom's that I interviewed I have proof that some feel differently about their bodies, babies, and depression.

-Zuly Tavarez said.......
Once Zuly came home she felt Inutile because she lives in a 2 story home and couldn't really go downstairs on her own to get up from bed lay down or toss around was horribleeee because of the pain, she said she would only take her pain killers when she had help around for her son if not she'd  just be in pain and suck it up.

Zuly said when it came to her body she said it didn't mean anything Because she grew a baby for 9 months in her belly, which ment her body went through alot to save his life. Zuly said when it came to her son she loved him inside of her and after his first cry she adored him to where it made her life feel like it changed for the better because of her son! 

-Amber Neff said....
She suffered with depression through my pregnancies as well. Before she was pregnant  she did not have depression.. and then she had her son and of course from the lack of sleep,  also with a newborn and of course your hormones are crazy. She said she cried most of the days all day.  
Amber said It took her 2 weeks or so before she went and talked to her doctor about my depression and once she did they then put her on a Antidepressant.
 She said It was a battle to find one that actually worked. She also commented that it is hard because you have this new baby to care for while yet your trapped in this body that she didn't really wanna deal with anybody or anything. Amber so said she yet all she had gone through she never really felt like it was her child's fault because she knew it was her hormones.

-Seazen Fronce said....
Seazen said she had an overwhelming amount of love for her daughter. It was like nothing she had ever felt before and that she would just cry randomly nit because she was unhappy but because she was so in love with her daughter so much. She said she really  doesn't know how to explain it. Seazen said it never really put her down because she couldn't, She said not matter what her daughter is always with her.

 If you or someone you know is suffering from Postpartum Depression please call you doctor and try and get help. Or call 1.800.944.4773 for support. Because no matter what that special little baby loves you unconditionally!

Dixies Monthly Update l Month 8


Dixies Growth

Little Miss Dixie is still gaining weight ever so slowly but she is above the growth chart line. But little miss is still growing taller and taller everyday and is taller then most her age. As of today 8 months and 2 days, Little Miss Dixie is weighed in at 14lbs 6ozs and 26 3/4 inches long.


Little Miss Dixie looks right in between her father and I both. Everyone remarks how perfect of a mix she is, and I agree. Her eyes are still a beautiful bright blue, and her hair is getting longer day by day but is finally changing from blond to a light brown.


LOTS of babbling. Sudden outbursts, and screams for attention. Mamas, Dadas,(with intention), and so much more. She is a joy to listen to and seems to listen to when we call her name ALMOST every time. But oh my she sure knows that she can talk for attention!


Learning to clap!
Giving “five"
Dancing or bouncing!
Getting 4 upper teeth.
Pulling to Standing!

Thoughts on Disciplining

So earlier today I was watching a Live Stream on Instagram let's just say i got very upset when I heard people saying that spanking and slapping your child's hand is child abuse. 

So I thought I would right a post on what my thoughts were on the subject...

 I'm one of those people who would rather discipline my child then let my child think that misbehaving is okay. 
I see all these parents in the store yelling because thier child is screaming because they want something but yet they do nothing about it. A little swatt on the butt or hand will not kill them (Butts are not just made for looking at lol)
But that is my opinion on thing my child is my child and your child is yours.

Dixies Monthly Update l Month 7



At 6 months old Little Miss Dixie now weights 13 lbs 15 ounces and is 26.5 inches tall.


Little Miss Dixie looks just like her daddy. Her eyes are still a gorgeous bright blue, Just like her daddy's eyes. She had dirty blonde hair and is growing a nice thin mohawk.


She is constantly babbling!


Got 2 teeth

Being a Truckers Wife.

I was asked earlier today by a friend how I cope with being a trucker wife…
Honestly it’s really hard, not having time to spend with your best friend. Of course we try and do things together as we can but most the time it’s just sitting on the couch watching tv. 
How do I cope with him being gone so much? 
We keep in touch through texting and calling each other off and on throughout the day.
How do you keep your relationship from dying?
 One word communication. Making sure that we tell each other how much we admire and respect the other for all the little things and making sure we tell one another how much we love each other.  
How do I keep myself from worrying?

I keep myself distracted. How? I take Dixie for walks, we go to the pool, I write, watch TV. And of course baby Dixie helps me stay on my feet as well. 

Things may not always be easy but no matter what love can conquer all! 

Upset baby bellies...

As my daughters been growing up she’s had alot of belly aches, from switching breastmilk to formula being sick and of course the everyday baby belly ache. Well here are a few ways that I found helped my daughters belly!

The first one I have found that helps is a Peppermint bottle! 

What you’ll need 
Circle Peppermint Candies

Take bottle fill it up to an ounce with water 
Add 2 Peppermint Candies 
Shake until Peppermint is devolved 
And them just give to baby! 

The next thing I find helps is Peppermint Oil Drops!
My grandma was so sweet when I went to visit her after Dixie was first born Dixie had a extremely upset tummy. Well my grandma passed me a small glass bottle well turns out it was Peppermint Oil Drops!
Add 1 drop on the bottom of the feet and rub them both together
Add a drop to the belly and rub it into the skin

With both of these remedies should help babies belly feel much better within an hour or so!

Something I've Learned in the Past Year

One thing that i have learned in the past year with being a 18 year old married and pregnant woman was just to not give a crap what others say everyone sits back and judges us everyday what if it was them they would feel hurt to. 
Honestly i could give a careless what people think about me as long as my husband and daughter loves me for who i am and i love myself thats all that matter!

Low Milk Supply... No Problem!

Do you have low milk production well that’s not a problem. 
Once I got the Depo Birth Control Shot, my production almost was nonexistent so finally I gave in and called my nearest lactation office!
After talking to the nice lady on the phone for 40 minutes I was told about Milk Thistle and Fenugreek. Not only does it help your milk supply it also really helps with weightloss! 

Being a Teenage Mother

Well when I wake up every morning and look over and see my gorgeous 2 month old baby girl sleeping in her pack n and I think to myself, how lucky am I? I am 18 years old and I won’t lie its hard sometimes but i sit there and think to myself how much she means to me. Me and my husband were lucky to be blessed with a beautiful healthy and happy baby, yes there are times I’m so stressed out i start crying, or times I’m so tired I forget what I’m doing but I wouldn’t give it up for the world!
So if your a teenage mom or expecting don’t let people put you down its hard but not impossible

Dixies Monthly Update l Month 4

It’s absolutely crazy how fast your kids grow feels like just yesterday I had Little Miss Dixie and now she’s 4 months old!
 At 4 months Little Miss Dixie is weighed in at 11 pounds, and 24 inches long.

Dixie is getting so beautiful but still looks exactly like her daddy. She had Big bright gorgeous blue eyes.

•Talking away, Lala’s, Baba’s, and high pitch screams of delight all hours of the day. She likes the copy everyone!
•Always almost answering to her name no matter where you are in the room


Rolling belly to back, and just finally did back to belly.
• Grasping toys, toes, and putting everything she can get to in her mouth. Lots of new things to exploration in this exciting adventure we call life.

Dixies Monthly Update l Month 3

Does time slow down at all?!? Why is it that the first three months have gone by in the blink of an eye?


As of 3 months Dixie weighs 10 pounds 10 ounces and is 23.5 inches long.

Loves to blow bubbles!
•Can roll over onto her belly
•Has learned to say Lala
•Loves bath time
•Constantly sucking in toes and drools a ton (I can’t help but think that Dixie will have teeth here soon)
•Little Miss Dixie loves cuddling!
•Giggles when getting raspberries from daddy. Miss dixie is very ticklish on her sides, feet, neck.


Has the cutest little bit of blonde hair like her daddy when he was younger. Little Misses  eyes are also still beautiful bright blue like her daddy’s. “Is she gonna have anything from me?”

Organizing Your Nursery!

I know that lots of expecting Mommies always are worried about organization in their babies nurseries..... am I right or am I right?

When it came time to setting up my daughters nursery I was freaking out what I needed to buy, what I thought I needed for her but let me tell ya you honestly don't need Much!

I finally made a list of things I needed and went and bought them like a toy box / organizer, a bouncer, a shoe organizer, and so much more. 

But to be honest I never used the baby changing table that came with my daughters Pack n play

Diaper and wipe holder because of course I lug those around the house so I have them when I need them

Wipe warmer babies don't care if the wipe is warm or cold.

I never found use in buying a fancy bedroom set because my daughter would have ended up pooping and throwing up and much more on them.

You will never use a bottle warmer I just run my sink water until it's warm and make her bottles that way.

My daughters nursery ---->

There is a lot of things we buy because we see them and think we need them and well we really don't I hope this helps some of New Expecting Mommies out there.

Whats In My Diaper Bag?!?

I’m constantly asked by
(First time moms) what I keep in my diaper bag so I decided to make a post dedicated just to What’s in my Diaper Bag! 

♡Mommies First♡
Every mommy knows a diaper bag takes place of our favorite handbag for a while so of course we have to dedicate some space for our daily go items

♡Mommy Must Haves♡

• Make up bag
• Wallet 
• Deodorant 
 Hair ties & Bobby pins 
• Small bottle of advil

♡Baby Must haves♡

• Diapers
One for each hour you’ll be out, plus a few extra – just in case.
• Wipes
Wipes because every baby and mommy love a clean butt! But they are also perfect for sticky hands & dirty surfaces.
• Diaper rash cream/ Baby Powder
Sample sizes often work well and take up less space.
• Hand sanitizer
Mainly for cleaning your hands after diaper changes when there’s no time or place to wash them. But also because you ain’t touching my baby with them dirty ass hands.

• Snacks 
(For older babies like Little Miss Dixie)
Depending on the age of your child, I always have Baby Rusks, Fruit cups. And also a must have is of course a Sippy cup of milk, water, or juice
• Blanket
Which we use for those days we are out all day and Dixie gets tired.

Extra clothes for your child
You never know when spit-up, drool, spills, or poop explosions will necessitate a change of clothing.
Pacifier (if your child uses one) or other comfort item
• Toys
Dixie always likes to have her rattle ball or her stuffed giraffe Micheal bought her. Because every parent knows going to a restaurant often requires a lot of entertaining distraction.
•Hair brush & Comb (For those messy hair days)

I hope this helps all you amazingly beautiful First Time Mommies! 

Spooky Halloween Bark!