Friday, August 18, 2017

Safe Natural Baby Teething Remedies!

"A lot lately on Social Media I have been asked about what I used to relieve Dixie's Teething Pain."

When it comes to Dixie I would so much rather use something all natural then pumping her full of medication. 

So here are the few natural remedies I use...

Cold Spoon...

I place a spoon in the fridge for about 30 minutes to an hour. (Not the freezer, or it can stick!) a cold spoon can offer much-needed relief. Just apply the rounded part of the spoon to baby’s gums. This is Best for before any teeth actually break through due to the risk of chipping a tooth.

Chilled Foods... 

If your baby has already started solids, try offering the little one with a cold food like applesauce, yogurt, cold fruit or anything that's cold 
to help soothe gum pain.

Teething Jewelry for Moms
Lots of Moms of teething babies like Dixie know that little ones will grab anything within reach and start chomping. Fortunately, specially designed teething jewelry like Teething Bling from Smart Mom Jewelry is made to be gummed by little mouths it’s (non-toxic and dishwasher safe)and made from the same material as many teething toys. But these look way prettier hanging around your necks or wrists. 

Sippy Cup
Offering a sippy cup (If baby is old enough which I believe is around 6 months), try offering a slow flow sippy cup of cool water or juice to suck on for comfort.

All natural vanilla extract
A few drops of vanilla rubbed on the tooth and gums can be used for toothaches. It can also have a calming effect. Rubbing a drop of vanilla extract over the area on the gum where the tooth is trying to get through may help ease the pain and have a soothing effect on your baby’s anxiety. Vanilla is also known to help with upset tummies, so if your little one is distressed from swallowing too much drool, vanilla may help as well.


Sometimes a activity is all it takes to help distract your adorable little ones from teething pain, at least temporarily. 
 (Dixie she loves going on walks or taking a relaxing bath).

Thank you for reading! 

- Lil Miss Mommy & Me

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